News list for " bundestag"

German parliament passes bill on digitizing financial marekt

According to Ledger Insights, the German parliament (Bundestag) passed the Finanzmarktdigitalisierungsgesetz of FinmadiG this week. The parliament has responded to industry demands to ensure that the legislation is in place before MiCAR takes full effect on December 30. FinmadiG not only deals with cryptocurrencies and MiCAR, but also affects other European Union laws such as DORA and funds transfer regulations. For M...

2024-12-22 08:36:05

据 Ledger Insights 报道,德国议会(Bundestag)本周通过了《金融市场数字化法案》(Finanzmarktdigitalisierungsgesetz of FinmadiG)。议会响应了行业要求,确保在 12 月 30 日 MiCAR 全面生效之前立法到位。 FinmadiG 不仅涉及加密货币和 MiCAR,还影响其他欧盟法律,例如 DORA 和资金转移条例。对于 M...

2024-12-22 08:36:05